News from the Web, including updates to stories The Careerist has been following:
1. There he goes again: New York Law School dean Richard Matasar is still fuming about The New York Times story (click here and here) that looked at the school's high tuition and low employment rate. This time he chats with The National Law Journal's Karen Sloan.
The employment picture of NYLS grads sound worse each time he tries to defend it. He tells Sloan that grads are "stringing together a number of part-time jobs" or "getting full-time jobs at a lower salary than what they'd like. . . . But that's not different than it was 20 years ago or 30 years ago."
Yikes, he's admitting that NYLS has made no advancement in the job market in decades—though the tuition is substantially more.
2. Just in time for interview season: Don't Ask, Don't Tell is history, so military recruiters are now welcomed to law schools that had banned them. (NLJ) That's got to be good news in this job market.
3. Come out, come out. Now that DADT is dead, maybe more LGBT lawyers will feel comfortable about coming out (click here for "Gay and Closeted"). According to a recent article in Harvard Business Review, LGBT employees are closeting themselves—and it's unnecessary and self-destructive:
Our research suggests that many are hiding needlessly and that 'out' workers may stand a better chance than closeted workers of being promoted (although there are still relatively few openly gay senior executives). This appears to be the case largely because closeted workers suffer anxiety about how colleagues and managers might judge them and expend enormous effort concealing their orientation, which leaves them less energy for actual work.
4. Watch your language. If you're going to take on a silly lawsuit (like representing a cheerleader who claims harassment after being called a "Ho" by another cheerleader), be sure to at least file papers that are grammatically correct. Reports ABA Blog:
The ire in the opinion by Judge Jerry Smith doesn’t end with the cheerleader’s cause of action, which claimed both a violation of TItle IX and Section 1983 for an alleged violation of the equal protection clause. He also criticizes the cheerleader’s lawyers for grammar and spelling errors. In footnote 13, Smith writes:
“Usually we do not comment on technical and grammatical errors, because anyone can make such an occasional mistake, but here the miscues are so egregious and obvious that an average fourth-grader would have avoided most of them. For example, the word ‘principals’ should have been 'principles.’ The word ‘vacatur’ is misspelled. The subject and verb are not in agreement in one of the sentences, which has a singular subject ‘incompetence’ and a plural verb ‘are.’ ”
According to Above the Law, the cheerleader's counsel was Littler Mendelson.
5. Don't advertise for sex at the firm. The Illinois disciplinary board doesn't mess around. A lawyer who advertised for a sexy assistant, then sent an e-mail to an applicant with the particulars of the job ("This part of the job would require sexy dressing and flirtatious interaction with me and my partner, as well as sexual interaction.” ) now faces a one-year suspension. (The Wall Street Journal).
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Photo: Monika Wisniewska -
Many are hiding needlessly and that 'out' workers may stand a better chance than closeted workers of being promoted.The subject and verb are not in agreement in one of the sentences, which has a singular subject ‘incompetence’
Posted by: John | October 11, 2011 at 12:53 AM
I started a new job recently. When I was unemployed, maybe 4 weeks ago, I saw a post for an assistant that was obviously looking for someone sexy and flirtatious. Wonder if it's the same one!
Posted by: Julia | July 29, 2011 at 08:23 PM
Seriously Ronique???
You're taking the "G-d intended this family life," stance against homosexual marriage... on a post regarding the repeal of DADT, which I am compelled to point-out, doesn't make a single mention of the concept of marriage?
Candidly, I am very curious how, a recruiter not being able to deny service due to a potential recruit being homosexual, has A N Y impact on the" benefits and normalcy" of "military men&women."
That said, I've A L W A Y S wondered how those that take such a stance even perceive same as tenable.
Isn't it like saying, "your marrying someone of T H A T race [or ethnicity, or nationality] is going to negatively impact the inner workings of M Y home!!!"
Doesn't that sound ridiculous???
Posted by: Dovid | July 29, 2011 at 08:57 AM
Sad commentary, military men&women who marry are seein gtheir benefits and normalacy fade further away...not taking rights away, just getting harder to keep moms&dads& their kids knowing God intended this family life...'
Posted by: Ronique Breaux jordan | July 29, 2011 at 06:42 AM